Dream Life Ink Tattoo Studio

Dream Life Ink Tattoo Studio
Opening hours
Deposit is NON refundable
❗️103$ Deposit Required❗️(Goes towards the total price of session and guarantees spot) -LA

Medium Sized Tattoo -Contact for Price (1 Reschedule Permitted , New Appointment Must Be Held Within 72 Hour Time Frame)
1/4 Sleeve Custom Brush Set (1 Reschedule Permitted , New Appointment Must Be Held Within 72 Hour Time Frame)

Los Angeles VIP Service (1 Reschedule Permitted , New Appointment Must Be Held Within 72 Hour Time Frame)
There are no classes to displayProvider
Now Located In Los Angeles, California 🌴 - Private Downtown Location
I travel to you as well, with a traveling fee 🔐
Hometown shop: Dream Life Ink Studio located in Kansas City, Missouri specializing in custom black & grey tattoos.
*Standard Deposit- Booking Policy
*Late Fee policy
•30 minutes over scheduled appointment time -25$
•1 Hour over scheduled appointment time -50$
•Anything over 1 hour may result in a reschedule for a later date
1 schedule permitted per booking 🤝
new appointment, must be held within 72 hours after reschedule, unless otherwise agreed upon with your provider.
Denial of the 72 hour reschedule will result in a forfeit of current booking, which will require a new deposit for future bookings.
Cancellation/Rescheduling of the SAME day appointment(s) will result in a forfeit of current booking, which will require a new deposit for future bookings